Assembly Code

Can I put inline assembly code into my C source files?

No, we don't support inline assembly code. You can use the compiler intrinsic _OPC which will emit a word into the instruction stream.

For example:

  #include <in430.h>

  _OPC(0x4302); // mov.w #0, sr

Memory Usage

How can I find out how big my program is?

You can use the symbol browser window to find out the size of your program:

  • Open up the Symbol Browser using View | Symbol Browser or typing Ctrl+Alt+Y.
  • Click the arrow on the first button on the symbol browser's toolbar.
  • Select Group By Section from the menu.

You will now see the sections that comprise your program together with their addresses and sizes. You can use the symbol browser to view the range of data items and see how much code each individual function takes up.

How can I find out where functions or variables have been placed in memory by the linker?

You can use the symbol browser window to find out where symbols are placed in memory:

  • Open up the Symbol Browser using View | Symbol Browser or typing Ctrl+Alt+Y.
  • Click the arrow on the first button on the symbol browser's toolbar.
  • Select Group By Type from the menu.

You will see a list of groups each containing symbols of a particular type, such as functions, variables and labels. Within each of these groups will be listed each symbol and the address range it occupies in memory.